An idea, modified, climbs in a spiral, creating tendrils of more ideas....
I think.........
Published on July 9, 2004 By Tendrils In Philosophy
That immigration of non-Europeans to the United States should be strictly limited and only English used in schools and government.

That the intrustion of government into private life in the bedroom should be banned. (Isn't it already?)

That any law that takes away a woman's full control of her body and reproduction functions is wrong and is essentially an intrustion of religions beliefs into public life and therefore unconstitutional. I define life as consciousness outside the womb.

I could care less if gay couples marry. It's only a matter of semantics.

I have no problem with all religious references being left out of public life. Spiritually is a private affair.

I think Corporations must be honest and regulated and the exporting of jobs heavily taxed.

I think clean air and clean water are the government's responsibility and that selling water, other than by government entities to citizens should be illegal. Bottled water should be outlawed. You want to carry water around, fill a bottle from your own tap!

I do not agree with letting predator animals repopulate the United States.

I think over-population is the #1 problem of the world and like the 1-child policy of China. However, it would be best if that was achieved by education and not law. Taxing excess children (more than 2) would be appropiate.

I support space exploration and think we should be looking at expanding our population to other planets.

I expect a lot of disagreement with the above. It's what I think and I welcome discussion.

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