An idea, modified, climbs in a spiral, creating tendrils of more ideas....
Sometimes when you start out, something different happens.
Published on June 12, 2004 By Tendrils In Welcome
You can start writing, or thinking, about one thing and end up on an entiirely different topic. Sometimes I just need a place where I can be honest about what I think. Sometimes if I write it down, I realize I don't really think that way, but needed to express some anger or something before I could really see what I thought.

For instance, I can't understand how people can worship a diety who is obviously a mean-spirited, egotisical, bigoted personality. What kind of mind could believe in a diety who dismisses half of humanity (women) as less than those who have a penis? What kind of mind could believe in a diety who has favorites? I think religions have created their gods in their own likenesses.

Actually, I'd like to believe in a great loving creator who started all this and will "take us to heaven" when we die, but I don't. Try as I might, I just can't get past the all-too-flawed-human traits attributed to these gods. I guess I also have a problem with those who think that only religion can enforce moral values in society. Why do we need moral values that promise 72 virgins to sucide terrorist bombers? And where do these willing virgins come from? How can anyone believe that? Yet, they do. You don't need to have religion to know that moral values are just a skillful way to live. If you treat others as valuable beings, they will respond in kind--mostly. If they don't, their problem.

What this world needs most is plain good manners. Respect and kindness. You don't have to like everyone, but you need to say "excuse me," and "thank you," and "please," and "I'm sorry." That's all it amounts to. I think that the minute someone says, "This way is the only way and if you don't believe this, you're going to Hell!" that minute they have lost the truth. Spare me such believes.

Maybe there really is a supreme consciousness (and I really do hope there is), but like the Tao de Ching says, "The Tao that can be explained is not the eternal Tao." What I'm saying here is that every religion (and I have studied them) leaves much to be desired in the little box they have placed their god in. There was a book in the 70's "Your God is Too Small".. AMEN to that.

If anyone reads this, I don't want anybody trying to "save" me, or "convert" me , or even try to explain anything to me. And I don't want you to "pray for me". I'm just saying something I've always wanted to say and now that it's said I'll move on to another topic next time I blog.


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